Week 2
you can do it!


Congratulations to EVERYONE for knocking back the HARDEST week!!
Week 2 = GAME ON!
Although we aren't big on counting anything (calories, points, etc), many of us need to track our daily caloric intake for just a couple of days.
Why? Clean, whole foods are high in nutrients, but naturally LOW in calories. Because of this, our bodies are satisfied, we aren't hungry and we don't even snack sometimes. In order to keep our metabolism humming (like it did this past week), we HAVE to be in the 'sweet spot'. If you do NOT get adequate calories (>1200), your body will go into 'starvation mode' and you will STORE FAT (not lose weight, maybe even gain).
The body says "I don't know when she/he will feed me next, so I better hold on to this!" Make sense?
So, here's the deal, track your calories today and tomorrow...just to get a good average.
If you exercise, track calories on an exercise day and a non-exercise day.
If I ate 1200 calories and burned 400. My NET is 800. Will I lose weight? NOOOOOO!!!
If I want to keep my metabolism up and keep burning calories, and I know I'm going to burn 400 in the gym, then I need to EAT at least 1600.
Make sense? Eat what you burn to keep your body happy and confident you will feed it enough. Because your shakes and clean, whole foods are naturally low in calories, this is going to mean adding snacks, and more healthy calories to your shakes. Nuts, nut butters, seeds & avocados are all high healthy fat and a quick way to pack in the calories.
This is SO crucial and I want to make sure you all STAY in that toxin-releasing, fat burning zone!!
If you need a little help with tracking, check out Lose It for tracking calories (both food & exercise).
Curious about gluten and WHY the wheat problem? It's believed that 50% of the population has some level of gluten intolerance. In this video series, Dr William Davis (author of Wheat Belly) argues that NONE of us need to consume modern wheat. For those of you with tummy issues, or excess weight around the middle, be sure to watch all 3 segments to get the full story!
Looking for something to drink besides water, detox tea and fizz?
Try Detox Lemonade
6.5 Cups Water*
1.5 Cups Organic Lemon Juice*
5-7 droppers full liquid stevia*
*to your taste
Mixed with a fizzy stick = Fizzy Lemonade Blend with frozen berries for a slushy.
DAY 10
The 411 On Weight Loss:
How and when weight-loss occurs varies for each person. Everyone comes into the detox with a different level of toxicity, a different genetic history, and different hormonal patterns. For many, the body will not begin to reduce inflammation and release extra weight until it has found balance through the cleansing process. Let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture of why we might have excess weight in the first place.
It’s often a result of consuming foods that do not work for the body, resulting in poor digestion and toxic overload. Detox helps the body re-balance itself and help repair the damage done by years of poor habits. When you lose weight without doing this important foundational work, the weight-loss typically doesn’t last. It also doesn’t bring about the increased vitality that, in the end, is what we really want. Even if you haven’t seen much weight-loss yet, hang in there. You’re doing the foundational work, and that’s what matters most. Daily bowel movements, sticking with the detox diet, and avoiding emotional snacking will encourage your body to find that sweet spot, totally unique to you. Don’t stress yourself out by stepping on the scale every day. Just remember, how you feel is a more accurate measure of success. Instead of numbers on the scale, focus on your energy level, sleep patterns, digestion, elimination, mood, and clarity of thought.
DAY 11
Anybody else an emotional eater?
Emotions and Food:
Emotions are a big part of the detox. For most people, food is not just about satisfying our physical hunger, but satisfying our emotional needs as well. Have you ever found yourself thinking: Why do I reach for cookies when I’m tired? Why do I crave ice cream after a fight with my partner? Reflecting on these questions, and your answers to them, will get you to the heart of the detox - the deeper stuff. The stuff that mindless eating attempts to cover up. During the detox, people can feel more emotional than usual. This is because cleansing is not just about the body. When you detox, you also release emotional toxins like fear, stress and anxiety. This can be scary, but like any challenge, if we spend some time reflecting on it, we usually surprise ourselves with what we discover. When you feel a craving or an emotional release happening, give it space and be gentle with yourself. Don’t make it about the food. Go deeper. Ask yourself, “What’s really going on here?” The answer is closer than you think.
True & Emotional Hunger:
When faced with the sensation of “hunger” during your detox, consider the possibility that it might not be true hunger. In our Western culture, what we call hunger is often the physical manifestation of an emotion that is asking to be “numbed” or comforted. If left alone and quietly observed, emotional hunger becomes an opportunity for immense growth. When that “hunger” sensation arises, mindfully keep your attention on it, and ask yourself: What am I really feeling?
If it’s boredom, restlessness or any other emotion, truly allow yourself to feel it. You don’t have to wallow in unhappiness or negativity, but simply recognize what the true feeling is, and put a name to it. Am I truly hungry or am I feeling anxious / nervous / sad / upset right now? With a little effort, this exploration can help bring awareness to the difference between true hunger and emotional hunger. Understanding this distinction on a personal level can help stop the cycle of bad habits that lead to food cravings, weight gain, and poor health.
Here is a useful way to determine if what you are feeling is true hunger:
True Hunger
• Gradually arises
• You’re open to different food options
• Doesn’t have to be filled immediately
• You stop when you’re full
• You feel good when finished
VS. Emotional Hunger
• Arises suddenly
• Crave one particular food only
• Must be eaten right now
• Keep eating even when full
• You feel guilty, shameful, or unsatisfied
Emotional Hunger Tips
Hydrate: Drink water or have a cup of tea instead. Hydrating yourself during your Detox is important to keep the bowels moving and to help flush out released toxins. Switch it up: Get up and go for a walk, call a friend or write a letter to a loved one, finish a work project, or simply stay
with that feeling and let it rise up and then fall away naturally (which it will inevitably do), without having consumed any food. You may even feel the negative sensation change to a very pleasant one. The sense of empowerment that comes from this change can be amazing.
True Hunger Tips
Snack mindfully: Eat in serene and distraction-free environments in a mindful way. Hummus, guacamole with veggies, raw nut butter on some apple slices, a quick soup, or fresh green juice are great options.
Check in on your daily caloric intake: While I am not a big fan of calorie counting, noticing how many calories you’re eating can be useful. Often, people new to a detox program will under-eat, and this can cause cravings, anxiety, and poor sleep. The amount of nutrient-dense food a person needs each day depends on their level of activity, but a good benchmark is eating a minimum of 1200 calories (add more if your exercise) and
50-80 grams of protein each day.
DAY 12
You're building a NEW YOU...and building a new you takes time, so be patient with yourself! You're going to have good days and bad days during this's all part of the process. But by the end, the good days far outweigh the bad, and you'll know it's all been worth it. YOU are worth it!!
DAY 13
Stay off the scale!!!!! Your body can fluctuate SEVERAL pounds within a day and the ONLY true way you will know if you are actually losing weight is if you weigh yourself ONCE a week, at the same time each week and wearing (or not wearing!) the same amount of clothes. Anything else (up or down) WILL NOT be accurate. So put the scales away and only bring them out at your scheduled time to weigh each week.
DAY 14
It's almost time! I know, I know! You can hardly wait!! :) TOMORROW, you will be adding your 7-day body cleanse to your daily routine. Please find a 32+ oz water bottle and beginning TOMORROW, mix ONE packet (be sure to shake it up real well before you open it so you get all the stuff that's in the cracks and crevices of the packet!) with 32 oz cold water and shake well. You can add 1-2 fizz sticks and/or fresh lemon/lime wedges...and lots of ice! Drink your cleanse GRADUALLY throughout the day and your "elimination" will also be gradual. Take 4-8 hours to consume it. As well, make sure you are taking in another 32 oz of liquid each day to avoid cramping. You will need lots of water to properly flush everything out.
Since we are heading into week 3, your body's pH should be heading towards neutral, so this will help. You've already done TWO weeks of detoxing through your foods alone, so this should be fairly easy on your gut. Do not be surprised if you experience some of those detox symptoms again (fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, even some skin breakouts, etc). Remember, this is GOOD. This is your body purging itself of harmful toxins. HANG IN THERE! For most of us, day 4 on is AMAZING!!!
You can take your Digestion Plus first thing in the morning before you start drinking OR wait a couple hours after you complete the 7-day Cleanse and then use the Digestion Plus.