Your warm-up to a healthy life
Before you begin...
Beliefs > Attitudes, Actions & Results > Life
Before we kick things off in a week, we STRONGLY encourage you to start a journal for this journey...
What's your 'WHY' for saying YES to this Healthy Living 30 Day program? You all came with different reasons, and for some of you, it's not at all about weight loss. So take some time to journal... what do YOU hope to gain from your 30-day journey? And what do you hope to LOSE in these 4 weeks?
We’ve walked people arm and arm through these 30 Day programs. Our focus has been on ACTIONS. If we teach you HOW to choose proper actions, you’ll get the results you desire, and thus, your life will be changed. While for some, this seems to be enough to make LASTING change… for many, it just doesn’t go deep enough. For some, it is a change of heart that is needed... HOW to do it is not the issue.
In The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, there is a truth: “Diets don’t work; they can’t. They’re doomed to fail because most diets dictate WHAT your actions should be. They don’t deal with WHERE your actions come from.”
The journey towards change doesn’t start with our actions. Long before we acted, in regards to food, we had an ATTITUDE about food. And our attitude about food was shaped by our (deep) underlying BELIEFS about food.
We ALL desire HEALTH. A true TRANSFORMATION. But without identifying (& maybe changing) your beliefs, SUCCESS WILL NOT LAST. We HAVE to change the way you THINK. If you don’t change your thinking, no amount of how-to’s will offer a REAL solution. It’s not that the ACTIONS we’re teaching you are wrong (they’re spot on)…it’s that (some) people don’t KEEP doing them. (Some) People don’t persist. Why?
Because focusing on the actions (the what-to-do’s and the how-to-do’s) is not enough! It’s the attitude behind the actions that KEEP those actions in place. Unfortunately though, attitudes are fickle. Emotions change. And you can’t dictate how you FEEL. Today you may be excited about getting fit. But what if you’re not tomorrow? To find true success, we have to back it up ONE more step. We have to get to your BELIEFS.
We all know what beliefs are, but let's use this definition: Your beliefs are what you know, how you hold what you know, and how it affects what you do.
A positive belief turns into a positive attitude, which turns into positive actions, which turn into positive results, which turns into a positive lifestyle. The only way to consistently control your attitudes, actions and results is to CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS. And your thoughts stem from your BELIEFS. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” Your BELIEFS are the source of your success or failure.
Today, take some time to get clear about YOUR beliefs and ask yourself these questions:
1) What do I KNOW about food in relation to health?
2) How do I HOLD that knowledge about food & health?
3) How does what I know and how I hold it affect what I DO?
Write them down and be REALLY honest with yourself. Is your knowledge skewed? Or maybe you KNOW all the right things about health/food but you hold it too loosely or only do it when you FEEL like it? Or maybe you haven’t MOVED on what you KNOW?
Write yours down. It’s for YOUR eyes only.
Former Belief:
I SHOULD eat “healthy”. BUT…I can exercise and burn off what I eat. I use to say, I workout so I CAN eat. If it’s on the shelf or served up on my
plate, it must be ‘ok’ for me (someone else’s responsibility). So, I eat what I want, when I want and as much as I want. I eat for emotional or physical pleasure. It makes me FEEL good, &/or it TASTES good.
New Belief:
Exercise is still good, but too much exercise, particularly long bouts of cardio such as marathon and triathlon training on a regular basis, can
sometimes do more harm than good. When I change the QUALITY of my food, I look and feel better and weigh less. Food on the shelf or served
on my plate may not be good for me. It is my responsibility to know what is IN the food. My EVERY choice either takes me further down the success
curve or the failure curve. I may not SEE it now, but over time, my choices define my reality. I hold these truths with great conviction. I take 100%
responsibility for those choices, understanding that the first person I lead is ME. I live it. In private and in public. I share it. With my children. With my friends. With my family. With anyone who’ll listen. When I’m tempted, I ask myself, “Does this Serve me?” and “Will I regret this?”.
Your THOUGHTS create your reality. Change your THOUGHTS, Change your WORLD.
So what exactly does THAT (clean eating) mean!?
1) WHOLE FOODS (aka God Foods) - they grow on trees or from the ground. Ask yourself, "Was this food ALIVE?"
2) NO PROCESSED FOOD (aka man-made food) - they contain loads of additives, preservatives, artificial flavors/sweeteners/colors (think chemicals).
3) ORGANIC - free of pesticides/herbicides (look for round green/white USDA Organic label on the front of all foods). Organic fruits/veggies contain 40% more antioxidants than their conventional counterparts. (More on this one - see below)
4) Non-GMO - GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. This means man took a whole food into the lab, and cross bred or altered its DNA in a petri dish. Many common crops in the US are GMO (think Roundup built right in to your veggies or your tomatoes!). 85-90% of all US-grown/available corn and soy are GMO.
5) FREE-RANGE, CAGE FREE & GRASS-FED meats/eggs - "Free range" applies to poultry and means your chicken/turkey was allowed to roam as it was intended in open space (not confined). Look for "cage-free" eggs as this means your egg laying hen was also free-range and vegetarian fed. "Grass fed & finished" applies to your beef. This ensures your cattle was fed as it was also intended - allowed to roam freely and eat on the pasture. Most US cattle are fed a GMO CORN diet to fatten them up (for the $$) and you are getting high fat, high chemical result. As well, all conventional meats are LOADED with added hormones and antibiotics.
Write yours down. It’s for YOUR eyes only.
Former Belief:
I SHOULD eat “healthy”. BUT…I can exercise and burn off what I eat. I use to say, I workout so I CAN eat. If it’s on the shelf or served up on my
plate, it must be ‘ok’ for me (someone else’s responsibility). So, I eat what I want, when I want and as much as I want. I eat for emotional or physical pleasure. It makes me FEEL good, &/or it TASTES good.
Okay, so this whole ORGANIC thing...WHY do I want to eat organic?Does it REALLY make THAT much of a difference?But doesn't it cost more?How can I tell the difference in the store?

Because organic foods are NON-TOXIC and unaltered. (No pesticides, herbicides, GMO) They are nutritionally sound and give your body the fuel it
Yep, organic costs more. No secret. It's a supply-demand thing and until the population demands otherwise, organic will be the underdog and take
more resources to create/transport. Buy organic as much as your budget allows! Can't do it all organic? Take a peek at your Dirty Dozen & Clean
The Dirty Dozen are your dirtiest fruits/veggies (most pesticides, etc). You absolutely want to buy these organic because of the amount of chemicals used to treat them or the nature of their thin skin or absorbency. Your Clean 15 list, on the other hand, use little/no chemicals &/or have thick skin that is not permeated by chemical exposure. So it's okay to buy these conventional.
How do you spot the difference?? Usually pretty easy...labeling on the shelves, the USDA organic logo and the actual sticker ON the produce. Conventional produce will have a 4-digit number starting with 4. Organic produce will have a 5-digit number starting with 9. And a quick tip on your apples?? If its pretty &'s DIRTY!! That shine is actually a chemical WAX!! Apples top the Dirty Dozen list so skip the shine and go organic!
THIS can be the hard part! These are the things we LOVE, the things we CRAVE, the typical AMERICAN way! But here's the deal: everything on this AVOID LIST is either allergenic, addictive or acidic.
Over the next week or so, you will learn some science behind some of these bigger ones, so you'll understand WHY they don't serve your bodies. Print out the AVOID LIST and place it on the fridge, keep it in your purse, or saved to your phone for quick access until it becomes second nature.
In Key component #2, we talked about ELIMINATING ALLERGENIC/ADDICTIVE/ACIDIC Foods. So once we've stopped the "toxic flow" and are fueling our bodies with CLEAN WHOLE FOODS, we want to make sure that we are actually ABSORBING them...and SUPPLEMENTING where needed. Take a peek at the nutrition panel on your Arbonne shakes, fizzies, detox tea, fiber digestion plus and 7-day cleanse and you're going to be BLOWN AWAY! Here's your starting line-up and the role each of them play in setting you on the path to HEALTHY LIVING!! Learn more about your Arbonne products in this quick video and below!
DETOX TEA: This tea plays a HUGE role in your detoxification, so don't skimp on it! This tea cleans your filter (liver/kidneys) and allows those toxins to be flushed from the system. When we lose the toxins, we can lose the fat! Have 1-2/day. Early morning is ideal.
TIP: It's a hot herbal tea flavor. If you're not a fan, chill it over ice, add a drop or 2 of liquid stevia, lemon, lime OR 1/2 of a fizzie for added flavor/energy!
TIP: Raw apple cider vinegar also provides great cleansing & detox properties. Try adding a tsp or 2 to your lemon water...or adding a little liquid stevia to sweeten it up if needed. For more:
*Pregnant/Nursing Moms: Here’s your alternate for detox tea - A Mug of hot water and 1/2 a lemon. That simple!
PROTEIN SHAKES: The heartbeat of your 30 days is right here! These shakes are full MEAL REPLACEMENTS. Mix 2 scoops protein powder with at least 8oz water or milk alternative (almond, coconut, flax, hemp, oat milk). Drink them plain or throw them in a blender with your favorite (approved) fruits, veggies & healthy fats for extra yumminess and health benefits. But remember, if weight loss is a major goal, don't add too much or you'll really increase your calories! YOU WILL want to have a convenient blender for your shakes!
TIP: Replace 1-2 meals/day with a shake. Again, if weight loss is major goal, replace TWO meals/day.
DIGESTION PLUS: This supplement has 11 digestive enzymes, prebiotics AND probiotics. All this to ensure you actually ABSORB all the good food you're eating AND restoring the healthy bacterial balance to your gut. Hey, did you know that 70-80% of your IMMUNE SYSTEM resides in your GUT?? Healthy gut = Healthy guy/gal.
TIP: Put one packet in minimum of 4 oz water, mix well and shoot it first thing in the morning (or add to your protein shake). This really sets you up for maximum GI benefit throughout the day. Wait 15 minutes before eating or drinking anything else.
FIZZ STICKS: AHHH!! Where would I be without these!? These are your energy drinks. Add them to 8-16 oz water and enjoy! They provide focused, productive energy for about 6 hours through green tea, metabolism boosting herbs and just a little natural caffeine. A GREAT replacement for your coffee and colas. 1-2/day.
FIBER BOOST: We need 30+ grams of fiber/day. Most of us don't get a third of that! Fiber helps you feel fuller longer and also helps remove toxins and fat from the body. (HELLO, regularity!!) 1 scoop of this odorless/colorless/tasteless powder gives you 12 grams - almost HALF of your daily need! 1 scoop/day, preferably to your morning shake!
7-DAY BODY CLEANSE: Hold on to this! We won't start it until WEEK 3!!
Your 30 Day Guide lists 2 great options for using this product, but we use a 3rd option. When you use this product in the 3rd week, you have a more gentle cleanse since your body has already been detoxing for 2 weeks.
A SAMPLE CLEAN EATING DAY: Okay, so how, when and where do I get all these into my day? There is a peek at your SAMPLE DAY in the Tool Box! Remember, just like a recipe, ALL components are CRUCIAL to success, so don’t skip ANY of your supplements. With the exception of the 7-day cleanse (to be started week 3), all supplements are DAILY USE (1-2/day).
GREENS BALANCE: This gets you an extra serving of fruits and vegetables daily! Essential to power boosting your health! Shake it up in the morning with water and digestion plus before eating. Or add it to one of your protein shakes. To learn the amazing benefits
FIT CHEWS: OPTIONAL PRODUCT - These are your snacks on the go! Great when you need to "buy some time" between meals...or just have a sweet tooth. 1-2 chews will hold you about 45 minutes, suppress appetite and keep you away from the vending machine or a drive thru! Limit to 1-2/day. Keep them in your car, purse, etc. so you never find yourself "starving" and desperate! Fit Chews are great for a quick snack, energy boost, fuel during a workout or to keep you for reaching for that cookie.
FULL CONTOL: OPTIONAL PRODUCT - For those who ordered it, mix one scoop of this great-tasting watermelon-kiwi flavored powder with a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before eating to feel full to support weight management. Use daily 3 times a day.
THERMOBOOSTER: OPTIONAL PRODUCT - This is not in our basic package, but for those who ordered it, take this product twice a day with a meal (breakfast and lunch), helps support weight management goals by supporting metabolism and thermogenesis.
There are several other Arbonne Health and Wellness products that are not essential to this challenge but can be a great resource for you.
Daily Power Packs (multi-vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants) are not essential to this challenge but always a bonus. The Thermobooster isn't required either but, again. can be a boost. Full Control can be a great tool to help you consume fewer calories. Nutrition Bars are full of vitamins and nutrients that keep you satisfied between meals.
Balanced blood sugar and balanced pH create an anti-inflammatory environment in the body. Here are some general recommendations for sustaining blood sugar:
- Eat at regular intervals, about every 3-4 hours, including 3 meals and 1-3 snacks daily.
- Avoid skipping meals and eating excessively large portions of refined carbohydrates.
- Eat balanced snacks or meals that include whole foods containing protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy and high quality fats, and fiber.
When you forget to eat breakfast or you skip a meal because you’re too busy, your body goes into starvation mode. Your metabolism slows and your blood sugar plummets, and that sets off a cascade of hormones in your body that causes you to store fat. Eventually, you’ll feel so hungry and faint that you’ll eat ANYTHING, and it probably won’t be very nutritious.
Eating 5-6 small meals per day actually helps you lose weight. One of the most important keys to sustainable weight loss, health and energy is keeping your blood sugar stable. When you eat every 2-1/2 to 3 hours, your blood sugar never gets too high or too low. This keeps your metabolism humming and tames those unhealthy cravings for sweets and salt. Of course, when it comes to blood sugar and a healthy weight, what you eat is just as important as how often you eat. Skip the “high glycemic” foods that cause your blood sugar to spike, like white bread, sugar, fruit juices and processed carbohydrates. Instead, choose lots of lean proteins, healthy fats, and “low glycemic” veggies, fruits and whole grains (brown rice, quinoa) when you’re planning your meals.
So why does it help you? Our body is like a bathtub, the water faucet (brings toxins in); and the drain (lets the toxins out). When it is running at a normal pace, we don’t have much of a problem. When we are in overload and the drain is plugged, the tub gradually fills up and spills over the sides. This is when people get SICK, and you are given a MOP (medicine) which can add more toxins & have side effects. We believe most people want to lose weight and feel good, but they don’t REALLY understand how to achieve true health & vitality.
Toxins are what lock up the fat cells! To have effective weight loss, we have to unplug the drain (detox) by nutritionally cleansing. When you get rid of the toxins the FAT CAN MELT AWAY! SIMPLY PUT... Toxins come from stressors like emotional distress, the environment, processed foods, extra weight and being inactive. Stress leads to toxic build up which leads to inflammation which leads to the disease process. Decreasing stressors/toxins will decrease inflammation which will decrease the disease breeding ground...creating HEALTH! We want to ELIMINATE these toxins by using FIBER, DIGESTION PLUS, DETOX TEA, & the 7-DAY CLEANSE. It's time to CLEAN the DRAIN!!
The BIG DAY is almost here! ARE YOU READY??
Here are some tips for GETTING STARTED.
Okay, so we have given you a lot of info to chew on the past couple of days!
Your homework before you begin:
1) Purge the kitchen & pantry of anything NON-detox friendly. REMOVE TEMPTATION!
2) Go grocery shopping with your Week 1 list so that you are set up for success (found under WEEK 1 tab).
3) Pick up a mini blender & shaker cup so that you have the right tools for Monday morning!
4) Pick up a scale & tape measure if you don't have one.
Keep these 3 docs at your fingertips and you'll do amazing. You may want to print a copy and also save a copy on your phone for easy reference.
Print out the Meal Tracker so you can track your progress and count down the days! This is a wonderful tool that will help you coach yourself and when needed, let your Arbonne Consultant help tweak your diet to get better results. Use the last page to record your weight and measurements. We recommend weighing first thing in the morning with as few clothes on as possible and weigh at the same time each week.
Warning! Common mistake….do not start 7-Day Cleanse until 3rd week! ☺
FINALLY - This 30 Day program is just that - 30 Days. It's only 30 days. You can do ANYTHING for 30 Days!! The beauty of this challenge is that if you stick with the program, follow the guidelines, read EVERYTHING we give you and make the necessary sacrifices and exchanges, you WILL experience change. There are no shortcuts to health, no magic pills or fairy healthy godmother.
In the end, most people feel better, have more energy, sleep better, lose weight in a healthy way, reduce inflammation and improve overall health.
Unfortunately, we can't be in your kitchen, at your work, or traveling with you in your car when you have to make decisions to either stick with the program or cheat a little.
So, on the eve of your big day, here’s your disclaimer... IF you follow the program guidelines and use the resources, you WILL see and feel change. This requires that you follow the entire program without fail (aka cheating) for the entire 30 days. The benefits of this program build each day that you stick with it. IF you cheat, if you have a cookie, a bite of cake, some soy sauce or peanut butter at all, regardless of the amount, you may still experience SOME of the program's health benefits, but you will NOT receive the FULL benefits you desire. In order to successfully complete this program, you must stick with it completely (no cheating) for the full 30 days. And remember, when and if you DO cheat, you're only cheating yourself of the ultimate health benefits you can achieve.
However, IF you do slip up (hey, we’re all human, it’s in the DNA), don't let that derail your efforts. Do NOT buy into the lie that you are 'defeated, ruined and have totally blown it’. Simply GET BACK ON THE WAGON! It’s not our setbacks but our COMEBACKS that define us. EVERY day is a fresh start!
Prepare yourself for the tough decisions. There WILL be moments when you’ll need to say "yes" or "no" appropriately. May you rest in the truth that: “Nothing tastes better than healthy feels.” Your lasting success is our greatest desire. Be ENCOURAGED! We’ve seen success again and again in this program and know that for YOU, this too, is DOABLE. You CAN. You WILL... Get PUMPED! Get READY! These next 30 days WILL change your life! They may very well be the best health investment you’ll ever make. Here’s to YOU!